DUTCH Test® For Men's Health

Testosterone Can Decline in Men Up To 1-2% Yearly After Age 30

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The DUTCH PLUS® Helps Male Patients & Their Providers Understand How Hormones Like Testosterone Change Over Time

Science tells us that testosterone levels peak during puberty and then gradually decline over the years. Research shows that testosterone can decrease as much as 1-2% every year after age 30, with some men starting to see the effect of low testosterone as early as their 20s. As testosterone and DHEA levels fall, and estrogen levels rise, men undergo their own form of menopause, called 'andropause'.

Signs of declining testosterone levels include a decrease in muscle mass, abdominal weight gain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and loss of executive function. Testosterone deficiency can be harmful to men's sexual health and self-confidence, enhancing the risk for mood disorders. Other factors that can negatively impact male testosterone levels like poor lifestyle habits, unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, toxic exposure, high visceral fat, and increased stress all accelerate this natural process.

Many men feel this may be part of getting older, but it's essential to talk to a health care provider about these issues early and set up a treatment plan to alleviate the symptoms. The DUTCH Plus® is a great way to establish a baseline understanding of testosterone levels.

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Understand Complex Androgen Relationships
With the DUTCH Plus®

image of DUTCH Plus kit

DUTCH Plus® takes hormone testing to a new level. In addition to sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Complete™ looks at the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites. The DUTCH Plus® adds the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to bring another important piece of the HPA axis into focus.

Men's Health Blog Post

By Dr. Timothy Hyatt
Low T is certainly the most talked about male hormone imbalance, but it isn’t the only thing that can cause noticeable changes in male patients. Just as women experience a drop in estrogen during menopause, men too will see changes to their estrogen levels as they age.
Check out our blog post on this so-called “menopause for men” to learn more about age-related shifts in hormones.
image of an estrogen molecule and a testosterone molecule with appropriate labels

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Dr. Sara Gottfried, MD
Author of "The Hormone Cure" & "The Hormone Reset Diet"

"I tend to use the Precision Analytical panel. It’s the one that I found to be the most accurate."

Chris Kresser, MS, LAC
New York Times best selling author of “The Paleo Cure”

"DUTCH is a complete game changer in the functional medicine landscape, and far superior to saliva hormone testing in most circumstances."

Dr. Ben Lynch, ND
Epigenetic Pioneer

"Using genetic testing is an excellent way to demonstrate susceptibility. DUTCH combined with genetic testing shows how genes are working in real time. A winning combination."

Kara Fitzgerald, ND, IFMCP
Functional Medicine thought-leader, educator, clinician, author, and host of New Frontiers in Functional Medicine

"The Precision Analytical panel is used routinely in our clinical practice, and I so appreciate the quality, reliability, and breadth of data I’m seeing."

We know every sample received by our lab comes from a real person, with a real story.